I worked at a golf course so I have lots of stories, but this is the worst one. There would always be like three of them who would stay later and not go home to their families. There was one man who was probably like, a little over fifty. And he just, I don’t know what it was about me, but he would just always stay late. And I was trying to close down basically, and the golf course at night is, a golf course, so basically it’s in a space that’s very rural and not close to things. And the guys in the kitchen would always wait up for me, but the guys at the bar were younger and this is probably my own fault, but I’d tell them, ‘you guys, it’s fine, you don’t need to help me close the restaurant.’
And this guy one time was just weird. I always got really bad vibes from him. And he would always say, before when he greeted me and after when he would leave, ‘I need my hug.’ And the way he said it always freaked me out—‘I need MY hug,’ like, as if I had no choice in the matter. And it would be every time he saw me. And he would like, you know, rub my back, and I didn’t ever want to hug him, but I never felt like I could say no. And there was one girl actually would like, dodge him. But I had this weird thing that was like, ‘whatever I’ll just hug him and get it over with.’ So it became really normalized.
So one night he stayed and was wasted. I didn’t over-serve him, someone else definitely did. He was just plastered. I remember he started getting really inappropriate, like, ‘you must be getting all the guys, you are so beautiful and smart, if only I were 10 years younger, but, I get age is just a number…’ And I actually ended up just being like, ‘I’m just going to run to the bathroom, be right back,’ and I called my dad, which is something like, I don’t want to do that, I never want to do that, but there was no one there. But I was just like, ‘Dad, like, I need you to come and get me.’ And then, so I went back to the guy and I was just like, ‘yeah, I locked my keys in my car, my dad’s going to come get me.’
So my dad picked me up, and my dad was really polite with the guy and ended up driving him home. And I just remember going home and my dad being like, ‘I think you should quit,’ and like, ‘why the f*ck were you alone with him in the middle of the night, you never should have been put in that position.’
I didn’t quit. What I did was I went to my boss and told them what happened, and I said, ‘I’m never closing up myself, otherwise I’ll quit,’ and he said, ‘okay, fair enough, someone will stay with you.’
But it was more on me to protect myself, and I felt really lucky that if I had wanted to quit, thanks to my family, I could have, and I felt protected by my father—like I literally felt like I was rescued from that situation by a man—that didn’t make me feel good, I literally had to call.
I had no way to protect myself, he was huge, he was like 6’5”, he was massive—he could have killed me. So it was one of those things. And I don’t think he was a terrible person. I think he genuinely actually had feelings for me. And when I left to move to Paris, he asked for my Skype address—and I was like, ‘NO, like why would I give you that, I’m never going to work here again.’